More-Than-Human | Multispecies/Environmental Humanities モア・ザン・ヒューマン マルチスピーシーズ/環境人文学からの展望 監修 : 奥野克巳・近藤祉秋・ナターシャ・ファイン Co-directors: Katsumi Okuno, Shiaki Kondo, Natasha Fijn


シリーズ 人間を超える モア・ザン・ヒューマン マルチスピーシーズ人類学と環境人文学
A5判 ソフトカバー 320頁 
地球規模での環境変動、資本主義の見えない未来、科学技術の革新が問いかける人間性の変容 ―「人新世」時代の今日、人類を含めた多種の絡まり合いの現実を看過することはできない。 多種間の関係を記述してきたマルチスピーシーズ民族誌と、人間と人間を取り巻く環境との関係に注視してきた環境人文学が交差する「人間以上」の人文知は、いかに可能か? 21世紀の人文諸学の未来を展望する、国内外の精鋭たちによる9つのインタビュー集。
Modernity has imagined the “human” as a singular being with agency and subjectivity in the world.
Previously we have focussed on the human, celebrating our knowledge and culture made by humans, for humans, while nonhuman beings have been downplayed as external variables with little world-making capabilities of their own.
Yet today we find ourselves shaken by a necessity to engage with “more-than-human” beings, while our anthropocentrism has been thrown into question in this “Age of the Anthropocene.”
In a time when humans are no longer objectified, the humanities must strive to think beyond the human toward a “more-than-human” terrain.
In this series, we interview scholars working in multispecies anthropology, based in Japan and beyond, who strive to extend our imagination into the realm of nonhuman life forms, who also engage with the environmental humanities, spanning across philosophy, history, literature and anthropology.
We hope that these views from “more-than-human” scholars will lay the groundwork for future forays into this emergent multispecies landscape.



Photo: Katsumi Okuno 奥野 克巳 Katsumi Okuno 立教大学異文化コミュニケーション学部教授。北・中米から東南・南・西・北アジア、メラネシア、ヨーロッパを旅し、ボルネオ島焼畑稲作民の村・熱帯雨林の狩猟民のフィールドワーク。著作に『ありがとうもごめんなさいもいらない森の民と暮らして人類学者が考えたこと』、訳書(共訳)にティム・インゴルド『人類学とは何か』など。 Katsumi Okuno is Professor at the Graduate School of Intercultural Communication, Rikkyo University. Okuno has conducted anthropological research in the Island of Borneo, Southeast Asia since the end of the 1980's. He published What an anthropologist thought while living among those who need not “thank you” and “I’m sorry.” [in Japanese] (Akishobo, 2018), ‘Natural Disaster, Men and Animals among the Penan: Beyond “Thunder Complex”’, Malaysian Studies Journal 1:59-72,(JAMS, 2012)and ‘Oil Palm Plantations and Bezoar Stones: An Ethnographic Sketch of Human–Nature Interactions in Sarawak’, Co-Author with Tetsu Ichikawa, in Noboru Ishikawa, Ryoji Soda(eds.), Anthropogenic tropical forests: human-nature interfaces on the plantation frontier. pp 479-495 (Springer, 2019).
Photo: Shiaki Kondo 近藤 祉秋 Shiaki Kondo 文化人類学、アラスカ先住民研究を専攻。北海道大学アイヌ・先住民研究センター助教。共編著に『犬からみた人類史』(勉誠出版・2019年)、『人と動物の人類学』(春風社・2012年)がある。論文に「ボブ老師はこう言った:内陸アラスカ・ニコライ村におけるキリスト教・信念・生存」『社会人類学年報』43号など。 Shiaki Kondo is Assistant Professor at the Center for Ainu and Indigenous Studies, Hokkaido University. Kondo has conducted intensive ethnographic research among Athabascan-speaking groups in Interior Alaska, US, since 2012. He co-edited Anthropology of Human and Animal [in Japanese] (Shumpusha, 2012) and A Human History from Canine Perspective [in Japanese] (Bensei Publishing, 2019). His co-authored paper includes “鮭鱒論 (salmon trout theory) and the politics of non-Western academic terms” The Sociological Review Monographs, Vol.68 Issue 2.
Photo: Natasha Fijn ナターシャ・ファイン Natasha Fijn マルチスピーシーズ人類学者、映像人類学者。オーストラリア国立大学・モンゴル研究所を拠点に活動。モンゴルやオーストラリアで、家畜化、マルチスピーシーズ民族誌、人間以上の社会性などをテーマとしてフィールドワークを行なってきた。映像作品に「二つの季節:モンゴルにおけるマルチスピーシーズ医療」(2017)、著作に「群れとともに生きる:モンゴルにおける人間と動物の共存」(2011年)などがある。 Dr. Natasha Fijn is an ethnographic researcher and observational filmmaker based at the ANU Mongolia Institute. She is currently part of an ARC Discovery team focussing on the transfer of knowledge relating to multispecies Mongolian Medicine and One Health. Natasha has conducted extensive field research in remote places, including the Khangai Mountains of Mongolia and Arnhem Land in northern Australia, focussing particularly on multispecies ethnography, more-than-human sociality and concepts of domestication. She was awarded a Fejos Fellowship in Ethnographic Film, by the Wenner-Gren Foundation to make a documentary ‘Two Seasons: multispecies medicine in Mongolia’ during 2017. Natasha was a Research Fellow as part of ‘Domestication in the Era of the Anthropocene’ at the Centre for Advanced Studies in Oslo in 2016. Earlier, she held a College of the Arts and Social Sciences Postdoctoral Research Fellowship at the ANU (2011-2014). She has edited two monographs, was the multimedia review editor for TAPJA and has edited two themed journal issues, focussing on visual anthropology and observational filmmaking, with two forthcoming special issues on multispecies anthropology. Her book, ‘Living with Herds: human-animal coexistence in Mongolia’ was published by Cambridge University Press in 2011.